Motherhood. That one word sums up an entire world of feelings and emotions I didn’t know existed before becoming a mom. It is a place of unconditional love and support I never knew I had inside of me. One tiny, little person looked at me and I instantly wanted to be a better person. It’s like the weight of the world suddenly came and sat on my shoulder when I held my baby for the first time. And it’s something that has never gone away.
I don’t know about you, but I’m hard on myself. I really am. And for the longest time, I didn’t even realize it. I am my own worst critic. My biggest enemy and obstacle. My insecurities as a mother seem to grow on a daily basis. With each passing moment, we enter new phases in life which equal new stresses and new ways for me to fail. It may have started out with diapers and late night feedings, now we’ve moved on to homework and attitudes. Everywhere I turn, there is something that reminds me of how unprepared I am for all of this. That I’m not the mom I should or could be. That I’m not good enough. Or enough period.
The world we live in today is not always nice to moms. Sure, the role itself has been the same for many, many years. But now we have Facebook, Pinterest, and endless magazine covers all screaming at us. Articles on how to be the best mom, how to have happy children, what you should and shouldn’t feed your kids. This list could go on for days. And I’m not saying these are bad things. But, at times, I find myself caught up in the mom-to-mom comparison. That, for no reason at all, I’m adding stress and high expectations to my life. I catch myself seeking perfection. In the way I look, my children, my spouse, my home, even my walk with The Lord. My focus gets shifted and I’m unhappy. And usually, so is the rest of my sweet little family.
And at this point, my loving, Heavenly Father reminds me to slow down and surrender. He lifts the burden because it wasn’t meant for me to bear. It’s not an easy lesson to learn. But I’m learning. And I’m ok with that.
To my fellow moms, I encourage you. You have a hard job. Full of fear and stress of every kind. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and can be quite a bumpy ride. You are often over looked and not paid. You spend your days selflessly caring for others and giving all you’ve got. Sometimes even more than that. Sometimes you get tired and need a break…and that’s ok. In the eyes of the world, you may not feel as though you measure up. But I have good news. God sees you right where you are. He knows the importance of what you are doing. He understands the value of it. He gets you. And He loves you. Not based on Pinterest boards or if you look like the cover of a magazine. He loves you because He loves you, because He loves you, because He loves you. Nothing more and nothing less. He’s not looking for perfection. He’s after your heart.
So, if the Creator of the Universe is full of second chances….shouldn’t we be? Go easy on yourself. Give yourselves (and other moms) another chance. God bless!!