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Driving in the Rain


Recently, I was driving in my car and it began to rain. The further I got towards my destination, the heavier the rain began to fall. Soon I was unable to see the road ahead as I gripped the steering wheel. Even though I was driving, I no longer felt in control. And I anxiously waited for the storm to pass.

Life can be the same way. A beautiful, sunny day can quickly fill up with dark clouds and thunder. Lighting strikes and the rain begins to pour. Out of no where we are left afraid and unsure. And we can no longer see where we are going. Trying to navigate through a storm is most difficult when we don’t relinquish control. If we continue going at the same speed, throwing caution to the wind, we could be headed for disaster. Safety lies in yielding to it.

The positive and powerful thing about rain is that it produces growth. It supplies life and reaches places that other things cannot. And though it’s difficult and our life is briefly disturbed, the outcome outweighs the trial. Something wonderful is born……trust. When we surrender to the circumstance and allow God to fight on our behalf, He calms the storm. Now some might think of this as giving up, but in fact, it’s giving in to The One who has ultimate control. When we believe that His ways or higher and better than our own, the storm doesn’t seem as scary. When we realize that the storm must obey His voice, we can rest knowing that he’ll see us through. He’s a good God, despite today’s forecast.

So, be encouraged, friends. The current conditions are not an indicator of tomorrow’s weather. It may be dark and gloomy, but The Son is not far away. He sees what you’re going through and knows how you feel. And He plans on using it for your good, if we let Him. I’m thankful for the rainy seasons. For they have produced much life. Because of the storms, I’ve gained confidence in The One who made them. Because I know He watches over me.