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Over My Head


The definition of drowning is a process resulting in primary respiratory impairment from submersion in a liquid medium.  The individuals airway is under water and they are unable to breathe.  Real life drowning isn’t like what we see in the movies.  Unlike the yells for help and the waving arms they portray, the victim is often silent and unable to call out.  So drowning doesn’t look like drowning. And unless you know the signs, you won’t be able to help.

Life can be the same way.  So often, things can quickly spin out of control. And one phone call, one bad report can suddenly turn our world upside down. One minute we are riding the waves and the next we are under them.  Someone struggling and in need of help may not look like it.  The one that we think is perfectly fine could be in over their head…unable to cry for help.  It’s our job as brothers and sisters to recognize what can’t be said.  To hear the scream, when everything is silent.  We are called to bear one another’s burdens.  That means help carry the load.  Pick up some of the weight, so that they can make it to shore.

Often, when a drowning individual is approached, they fight.  So desperate to be saved, they cling on to the point of being dangerous.  Even causing the rescuer to need rescuing.  The key to their saving lies in their letting go.  It’s then, when control and fear are released, they can begin to breath and survive.  And even in everyday life, this holds true.  How often do we hold on, when we should let go?  Too proud to ask for help, we try and go it alone.  And when God clears a path, we want to take a different route.  The amazing thing is that He never lets us get too far.  We are never in too deep.  He even seeks out those who don’t want saving.  He loves those that feel least lovable.

I thank God that He loved me enough to pull me out of the water.  Even when I fought or rebelled, He was reeling me in.  Daily, He’s here.  When my biggest issue is that we’re out of milk, He cares.  And tomorrow, if it’s bigger, He already knows.  Whether we sink or swim, He stands watch.  Ready to dive in and revive us.  And that’s a lifeguard worth trusting.

  • Debra Sartain

    Blessed as always!

    • Nichole Wilson

      I’m so glad! Thank you!

  • Michelle Thomas

    Beautiful commentary and comparison. So glad my friend Sarah shared your blog and I was able to read it!

    • Nichole Wilson

      Thank you for reading!

  • Lori Ripley

    Another awesome word. Thank you!

    • Nichole Wilson

      Thanks for reading!

  • Wanda@The Watered Soul

    Such a great analogy Nicole. All too often we make the assumption that the person we interact with on a daily basis is okay. Never really knowing their internal battle.

    • Nichole Wilson

      Thank you! I appreciate you reading! God bless.