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Love is in the Details

I can hardly believe that December is here and we are in the full swing of the Christmas season.  It feels as though just yesterday we were enjoying summer break and the warm weather.  But I am not complaining in the slightest, for this is my favorite time of the year.  I love everything about it.  From boots and jackets to decorating and baking; there is a warm feeling in the air, that doesn’t quit compare to the other days of the year.  Some say its the “magic” of Christmas.  But I would argue a deeper meaning that only comes through Christ Jesus.

One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the wrapping.  I know, call me crazy.  It’s not so much the actual task of wrapping presents as it is the finished product.  I love beautiful gift wrap and fancy bows.  Even down to the tags on the packages….I tend to be particular of the whole look.  Because there is something special about receiving a gift that looks pretty.  There is something beautiful about presents under a tree.  And as I sat there wrapping, it hit me.  Love is in the details.

Now, I have always been a detailed oriented person.  I like to know plans ahead of time.  I don’t just grab any box of tissues at the store; but they need to “go” with the room.  When baking, I prefer the cupcake wrappers to match the holiday or theme of the event.  And if I had a large bank account, I would have Christmas bedding in every room.  How is that for attention to details?  Maybe I’m a little overboard, but people tend to do what they love.  And details are in my blood.  I realize to some that my traits sound crazy, but we each have our own personal way of doing things.  We each have passions and God-given abilities that make us who we are.  Qualities that are meant to be embraced and shown to others.  Gift wrap may not be your “thing”, but you have so much to offer.  And the world needs to see what you love.

As women and mothers, it is embedded in us to nurture and show love.  It is who we are, because we are made in the image of Jesus.  And that is who He is.  Just as there are different parts of the human body, so are there in the body of Christ.  Maybe I am the big toe of the operation and you may be the leg.  But regardless of our title or capability, we are both needed and required to be successful.  Because without one another, we would be stationary.  When we fail to show up or be active, it weakens the rest of the body. Even down to the details of your part.  Maybe your passion is teaching….we need you.  Maybe you love to cook….we need you.  Your heart may be in music….we need you.  You might be an encourager….we definitely need you.  The point is this;  there is something you love and it’s not by accident.  God created each of us uniquely.  Down to the smallest details.

It’s easy sometimes to want to remain hidden or not take a leap of faith.  I know the enemy has tried to use the very thing God has called me to do against me.  So often our insecurities tell us to keep quiet or stay uninvolved.  There are days when my thoughts revolve around what I am not; or what I am unable to do.  But when treated properly, we can overcome.  Through reading God’s Word and allowing His truth to transform our minds, we can be assured that Christ in us can do all things.  That in our weakness, He is so strong.  And that when we surrender to His will and allow Him to direct our paths, the journey becomes much easier.  Yes, we may detour at times or hit a pothole in the road.  But we are never too far for Him to correct our course.

So, this Holiday Season, my goal is to love the only way I know how.  Down to the details.  Because that’s what this world needs.  More than gifts or decorations, I want to show love even in the little things.  I want to appreciate my family and friends.  I want to build up and not tear down.  My prayer is that my heart would overflow with thankfulness and notice those in need.  That I would boldly step up and fulfill my role in the body.  Unafraid and unashamed; and totally dependent on Jesus.  Because ultimately, it is all about Him.  And I don’t want to get in the way or miss an opportunity to show His goodness.  Love is in the details; and details can be a beautiful thing.