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Sick Appointment


You woke up sick and are in need of medical attention.  Although you haven’t had a check up in a year (or more), you call expecting to deal with it over the phone, and in a timely manner.  I, myself, am very guilty of this scenario.  I can self diagnose and tell them what to prescribe.  Their only job is to call it in, right?  No questions asked, no appointment necessary.  Just give me what I need and I’ll be on my way.

We often approach our Heavenly Father with the same expectations and demands.  We “call him up” when a crisis hits us and we impatiently wait for the solution to be administered.  There seems to be no need for check ups and routine lab work throughout the year, so we wait until a problem occurs.  But when we need a miracle or breakthrough, we desperately seek God.  When a loved one is sick, we cry out like never before.  When our country is divided and torn apart, we fast and pray.  But, what do we do once the answer comes?  What happens when we feel better?

Lately, in our home, we have seen glimpses of hope in certain situations that we have been praying for for a long time.  And I’m not going to lie; it has been like a breath of fresh air.  Though seemingly small and not the full completion of the work needed, it was enough to give me a new hope of what is to come.  But while praying and thanking God for that, I quickly felt His sweet conviction to not grow comfortable here.  It is so easy to taste relief and become complacent.  When the pain eases or the fear retreats, our flesh often tricks us to believing that the process is done.  Our need was met and we don’t need to maintain, or better yet, grow to any other level with the Lord.  So we stay on this rollercoaster of being content, falling downhill, being delivered, and then back to contentment.  Never completely walking in the fullness and relationship that Jesus provided us.  And wondering why we feel the way we do sometimes.

My prayer is that the same fervency and hunger we have in the wilderness will be carried with us in the Promise Land.  That we won’t seek God for merely His hand, but for His face.  I want daily encounters with His Presence instead of emergency room visits.  God stir our hearts again.  And may we continue to stir ourselves.


                 “For if you keep seeking it like a man would seek for sterling silver, searching in hidden places for cherished treasure, then you will discover the fear of the Lord and find true knowledge of God.”    Proverbs 2:4-5 TPT(emphasis added)