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Sick Appointment

You woke up sick and are in need of medical attention.  Although you haven't had a check up in a year (or more), you call expecting to deal with it over the phone, and in a timely manner.  I, myself, am very guilty of this scenario.  I can self diagnose and tell them what to prescribe.  Their only job is to call it in, right?  No questions asked, no appointment necessary.  Just give me what I need and I'll be on my way. We often approach our Heavenly Father with the same expectations and demands.  We "call him...

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Matter of the Heart


I have always hated violence of any kind.  Maybe this is normal for most people, but it truly disturbs me on a deep level.  It's really hard to put into words.  I can remember when I was a kid, there was a fight in the road, outside of my house.  These two boys were fighting and baseball bat was involved.  I was home and of course knew that it was going on and I literally went into a panic.  I couldn't stand the thought of what was taking place.  I felt so aware of the...

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Birthing the Promise

  This morning, as I sat down with my Bible and my coffee, the Lord began to speak.  And it was one of those moments where I didn't question it, but rather just embraced it.  It was clear and wonderful as usual, yet humbling at the same time.  The year 2018 has quickly become the year of expectancy, as God is stirring the hearts of His people again.  There is such a strong sense of His presence and all that is to come, and with that comes an urgency to prepare our hearts to receive it....

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Eclipse of the Heart

As if your news feeds and social media accounts weren't already flooded with articles about todays solar eclipse, I've decided to join the discussion and share my two cents.  Not that my personal opinion is even worth that much, but this important event in our history has my wheels turning.  And while I think that this phenomenon will be visually spectacular, I am more impressed with its spiritual significance and what we can learn from it. This morning I felt compelled to look up the definition of the word eclipse.  I know I do this often,...

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