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The Gate of Praise


Have you ever wondered how pearls are formed?  They are created through an outside irritant that somehow gets inside of the oyster, like a parasite or a grain of sand.  As a defense mechanism, the oyster begins coating the intruder with a layer of protection known as "nacre".  Through this process, a pearl is born.  Real pearls are rough in texture and found in the deepest of waters.  It's pretty amazing that because of irritation and conflict, a beautiful pearl is born. It is no coincidence that the Bible pairs a pearl with praise.  In Revelation 21:21,...

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50 Shades of Grace


Today is Valentines Day.  Love is in the air, cupid is flying around, and chocolate isn't hard to find.  I have spent 17 years with my sweetheart and each Valentine's Day is a great reminder that I am blessed.  I love my husband more today than all of the previous years combined.  He is my best friend.  He is hilarious.  And he's the best dad in town.  But, after so long of being in love, reality smacks you in the face and a dozen roses can't fix it.  Somewhere along the way, the dust settles and the...

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Living With the Enemy


So, if you read my previous post, you know that we have had a mouse (or mice) situation.  I am happy to report that the pests have been terminated and we have no longer seen or heard any of their friends or family.  Although it has been a few weeks, I am finally starting to get things back in order.  It's crazy how such a small creature could create such damage.  Not to mention the mess it left behind.  There was not one room or closet that they didn't "explore".  And I have had the...

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Unwelcome Visitors


This past week has been a very educational and eye opening experience for me.  After being in Atlanta for 3 days, I returned home Friday morning to a mouse in our house.  And after cleaning and examining our home the rest of the day, we then determined that our single mouse friend possibly brought his buddies with him.  Now being a city girl, this has had me completely disgusted and anxious.  From washing legos in the bathtub to mounds of laundry that have been washed, our home has seen better days.  The mouse (or mice) certainly...

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