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It’s A Great Day at Chick-fil-A


Have you ever got to a place and wondered, “how in the world did I get here?” I’m talking, you literally are driving in your car, reach your destination, and have no recollection of how you got there. You’re distracted by crying children, traffic, your to-do list, and a million other stresses that come with every day life. This is me on a daily basis. And it’s really kind of scary when you think about it. But, what about spiritually, mentally, and emotionally? Have you ever looked at your life and asked the same question? I can admit to this as well. We often go through many different seasons in our life, and mix in the craziness and pressures of this world and it’s easy to loose focus. To trade clarity for confusion.  The minutes pile into days, then years and our plans and dreams are put on a shelf.  Or completely forgotten. But, God is teaching me to see things in a different light.  To dream again.

Today, while headed to our weekly (sometimes daily) happy place, aka Target, we stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch. When I pulled up to place my order, the lady through the speaker greeted me and said, “It’s a great day at Chick-fil-a, how can I serve you?!”.  Right then, The Lord spoke to my heart very clearly. I should wake up every day with that same attitude…”It’s a great day to be a daughter of the Most High! How can I serve you Lord?!”.  I want to live a life of purpose…on purpose. I want to run with His vision and not grow weary in well doing. To be a great example to my children, by my actions more than my words. But more than anything, I want to serve My Heavenly Father.  Whatever that looks like…I want to do it. From cleaning up spilt milk to going to the grocery, I want to do it unto The Lord. All for His glory.

So, as a mom who has lost her way a few times (more than I’d like to admit), I encourage each of us to live every day on purpose. To wake up each day with our focus on glorifying God. Even in messy situations, we are useable. We are not beyond God working through us. He delights in using the weak, the unqualified, and the over looked. My prayer is that each of us would see with a new vision. We would walk into our destiny with joy and expectation. I want to be aware and available for all that He has for me. And just like today, sometimes he speaks when we least expect it!

Have a great day! (And eat some Chick-fil-A) ?