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The day before resurrection


“He never sinned, nor deceived anyone.  He did not retaliate when He was insulted, nor threaten revenge when He suffered.  He left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.  He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.  By His wounds you are healed.  Once you were like sheep who wandered away.  But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.”      -1 Peter 2:22-25

I can’t imagine what Jesus went through as he endured the cross.  Not only the weight of it and the physical pain He suffered, but bearing the sin of the world on His shoulders.  God in the flesh, who was tempted in every way, but never stumbled, took a punishment that He did not deserve.  A King on earth who gave up His throne to take our place.  What a beautiful and sobering picture of true love.

I can’t imagine what His family and followers felt.  The man that they knew and loved, abused and rejected.  Their Savior who embodied hope and freedom, was snatched away to be crucified.  To pay a criminals death.  I can imagine that their faith was tested.  That their hearts longed to fully understand and accept God’s plan.  After placing Christ in the tomb and returning home, I can’t help but wonder what they faced.  Did the enemy lie, as he always does, and whisper thoughts of fear and defeat?  Did their sadness overtake the promises placed in their hearts?  Would their Messiah return as He said He would?  Would their hope be restored?

I think sometimes the days after a death can be the toughest.  Not just physical death, but spiritual as well.  Sometimes, the days or weeks in between the death and resurrection of our hopes and dreams can feel like an eternity.  We begin to question God’s promises and His word.  Doubts take over and steal our confidence in who Christ is and what He has called us to do.  Will this ever happen for me?  Can God really use me?  We quickly feel alone and, in a sense, mourn what we thought should’ve been.

You see, the beauty of the cross is that it wasn’t the end.  Death was not the final victor.  On Calvary, our sins were washed clean by the blood of Jesus.  A way was made for man to approach God and have access to Him.  A new covenant was born.  But, the overwhelming power lies in the third day, the resurrection.  Christ not only died, but He rose again, so that we may rise as well.  So that we can walk in freedom and have a new life in Him.  We serve a risen Savior!  What an awesome promise to stand on and the ultimate example of hope coming alive.

So, as we approach Easter, we have a reason to rejoice.  Even though our lives may not have played out as we planned, it doesn’t mean it’s the end.  There could be new life just around the corner.  Just because we suffered the death of a dream, doesn’t mean it won’t be resurrected….more glorious than before.  I know dark days come and sometimes we face the unexpected, but our hope rests in knowing a living God who delights in us.  One who endured the cross, bore our shame, and was bruised for our freedom.  So that, one day, we could be with Him.  So that we could be truly alive, knowing the resurrected King.