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Wake Up Call


It’s a little after 6:00 a.m.  The crying has already begun.  Fits are being thrown and discipline is being handed out.  For some strange reason, my children do not enjoy sleep quite like their parents do.  Ten times out of ten, their little eyes and mouths are ready to go long before ours are.  This is not how I like to start my day.  Unlike them, I love my bed.  I adore quiet.  Throw some blankets on me and I’m good for a long while.  By nature, I’m not a morning person.  And add some screaming, 4 year old fuel to my flame, and it can be ugly.

It’s really difficult to want to move when you’re comfortable.  Everything is warm and familiar.  Nothing is challenging or requiring effort.  Life is pleasant and running smoothly, so who would want to mess that up?  Just like my bed, we can spiritually tuck ourselves in and not want to get up.  For fear of a lot of reasons, we don’t want to rock the boat.  We don’t want to face what our futures may hold.

My favorite story in the Bible is the Isrealites.  There are great truths and lessons that we can draw from their experiences.  Essentially, we are them.  And to sum it up, they had to walk through the dessert before landing in the Promise Land.  It began with leaving familiarity behind and stepping out in faith.  No good thing can come from our comfort zones.  It’s just a box that we put ourselves in.  Ties that we place on our own hands.  And until we decide to break free, everything will remain the same.  I am learning that faith must be activated by first doing.  For we walk according to our faith and not by what we see.

I believe that God is searching for those who are willing to go.  Those willing to lay plans and dreams at His feet and run after Him.  As much as I want to do for the Lord, I simply must want Him more.  My comfort must be sacrificed.  My heart must be surrendered.  So that He can lead the way.  So that he receives the glory.

What “comforts” do you need to lay down today, so that God can have His way?