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You are Enough


Diapers. Baths. Car pools. Soccer practice. Homework. Discipline. Meals….3 a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Vomiting in the middle of the night. Tantrums. Doctor visits. Broken hearts. Attitudes. Endless amounts of laundry. Tantrums (this needed to be mentioned twice). Cleaning. Grocery shopping. I really could go one writing, but I’ll stop and sum all of these things up in one simple phrase. Welcome to motherhood.

I don’t know about you, but honestly speaking, sometimes this list screams at me. Though it may not be audible, I can almost hear the demanding shouts of all that I need to do. The old saying, “a mothers work is never done”, is becoming more clear to me every single day. And even though my kids are growing and we no longer have babies, the duties have not lessened, only changed. I often find myself drowning in my own expectations. So much of who I fight against is myself. And it’s a fight I’m going to lose everytime. You see, the desire to have it all together never dies. It may stay silent for a season, but it always comes back for more. More of my time and attention. Which subtracts from what matters.

I think sometimes, we as moms, are so focused on how to be the best, we forget that we already are. In our own, individual ways, we are exactly who we were created to be. You are the perfect mother for your children. I’m not saying perfect, as in without fault…..but you are exactly who and what your family needs. God didn’t just throw you to the wolves and hope for the best. But He handcrafted you to be the keeper of those little hearts. No accident there! He entrusted you with the greatest gift ever. His children. Wonderful, small examples of the love and goodness of God. No need to search Pinterest or Google for new ways of parenting. Or 10 tips to raise better children. You are already equipped and able. Sometimes, we fail to see that. We forgot about the miracle of motherhood and all that it means. Am I perfect….no. Do I get it wrong some days?…..more often than not. But that’s ok. And I’m learning to let go of that day by day. My kids don’t need the perfect mother. They need me.

Maybe you don’t have the most beautifully decorated house or you have toys scattered in every room. Maybe you don’t make homemade crafts with your children. Or you might be one that works a full time job and is too tired to cook supper. Maybe your insecurity as a mom holds you back. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. If you pick yourself apart, you’ll only come up with broken pieces. And that means a broken momma. The good news is, I know the Master Builder (not from the Lego Movie). And He is waiting to put you back together.

You don’t need bells and whistles to be a great mom. Don’t beat yourself up over imperfections. You are exactly what your kids need. You are enough.