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Tis The Season


October has come and gone. And even though it’s almost 80 degrees outside, I have one thing on my mind….Christmas. I know, I know, I’m one of “those” people. Don’t shoot me. I love fall….The changing of the leaves, the cooler temperatures, sweatshirts, and all things pumpkin. I can feel it in the air. Oh how I love this time of year. But, I love Christmas even more. I would put my tree up tomorrow if it wouldn’t cause a riot in our house. (Give it a week or two and it’ll be up!) Something about this time of year just warms my heart… Ok, maybe everything about it warms my heart. I love it!

Regardless of the weather, one thing is certain about this approaching season and that is change. Usually, after a relaxed summer, school begins and so do the countless activities, sports, and other commitments. Life gets busy again and many of us are just trying to survive. I have found myself in this mode all too many times. I become so wrapped up in schedules that I sometimes lose my way. And before we know it, we’ll be chasing sales, crossing off Christmas lists, and attending countless holiday parties. In the midst of all of our “stuff”, it’s easy to forgot what’s most important.

As much I look forward to what the coming season has to offer, I want my focus to be on The Lord. In all that I do, I hope to acknowledge Him and bring a smile to His face. Because He is the reason I have this life. He is the reason I have peace, hope, and joy. Without Him, I have nothing. Without Him, the holidays have no meaning. If I teach my kids about Santa, but fail to shine the light upon Jesus, I’ve failed. Because, Santa can’t save my children. No amount of presents can outweigh the importance of eternity and what Christmas really means. This time of year, it’s so easy to be self-centered. We, as humans, are consumed with our own wants and needs. When, in fact, it’s has nothing to do with us.

So, this season (as it should be every season), our focus is shifting. And though we will still celebrate with stockings and gifts, I want show my kids the value in helping others. We have been blessed to be a blessing. And we have the good news of Jesus to share. That’s what really matters. The old saying, “it’s better to give than to receive” is very true. What would happen if we all had this mentality. What if, daily, we looked for ways to bless others. I’m not talking about handing out money or food, but helping one another. Ministering love to the hurting, praying for those who need healing. Telling someone about the goodness and the grace of God. That’s truly being the hands and feet of Jesus. And that’s what I want to be. God has done too much for me to not talk about it. He’s forgiven me of much and He helps me often. That’s the Jesus the world needs to see. Not a Jesus who is too busy or too worried about Himself. I want to represent The Father well this season. And give my kids what I can’t buy in a store.