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No Rest For The Weary


Another week has come and gone. The busy season is in full effect and I’m tired. As I type, my eyes are heavy and my head longs to rest on my cold, flat pillow. But I know that my so called “bedtime” will not provide me with much relief. It’s during those hours that my precious children need and want their mother, more than they did in the daytime. The monsters have come to life, thirstiness cannot be postponed, and potty breaks come knocking. The pitter-patter of those little feet while soon be heard as I drift off to sleep.

I love my kids. I really do. But, a close runner up would be my love of sleep. Without it, I don’t function well and I can be down right mean. It feels like a lifetime since my last full night of uninterrupted slumber. When I was younger I would sleep until lunchtime and now a solid 7 hours sounds wonderful. But lately, I’ve tried to remind myself that it won’t always be this way (even though it feels like it). Their “need” for me will drastically reduce each year and the roles will shift. I have a feeling in the short days ahead, it may be me who is up searching for them. Praying they are safe. Hoping they’re making wise decisions. And trusting that The Lord will guide their every step.

I read somewhere that there are 940 Saturday’s from the time a child is born, until they leave for college. And while that sounds like a lot, it also sounds like not enough. It seems like just yesterday I brought my babies home from the hospital and now they are school age. How many Saturdays have I waisted? How many lessons and opportunities have I missed? All because I was tired or overwhelmed. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t anticipate my sleeplessness to cease anytime soon or my energy level to sky rocket. But, tonight, I do hope to keep this in mind. And all of the nights ahead. Because, I know, one day I’ll miss the cuddling. I’ll want to turn back time and hold them once more.

So, even though I already want to take a nap tomorrow, I am blessed. Motherhood is a privilege and an honor that not all are given. And when 3:00 a.m. comes and I find myself awake and carrying my “blessing” back to bed, I’ll smile and appreciate the moment. And I’ll thank God for equipping me and carrying me through even the longest days. For there have many nights when My Father has helped me go back to sleep.