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Welcome To Lego Land


My house is covered in toys.  Legos to be exact.  The small blocks have been spread out and stacked up to build the most beautiful farm….all in my kitchen. (Don’t be jealous, lol).  My 4 year old son takes great pride in his work and will spend the longest time getting things exactly right.  His busy hands and feet carry out his visions, as he slaves away constructing his masterpiece.

Meanwhile, my daughter is hiding away in her room.  Playing dolls, she is busy pretending to be a mom or teacher.  She is tender-hearted and not always outgoing.  She is a talker and usually full of questions.  At nine years old, she is quick to figure things out and her thoughts are mature for her age.  She is sensitive and compassionate.  As she’s  grown older, I’m beginning to see the young woman she is maturing in to.  Never short on words, she loves to sing and write in her journal.  Her quiet spirit is observant, yet full of ideas.

Lately, I’ve been asking the Lord to show me my kids.  As strange as that may sound, I’m seeking to find who He created them to be.  Not what I think as their mom.  And the awesome thing is, when we ask, He is faithful to answer.  I’m learning new talents and characteristics I didn’t realize were there.  He’s revealed giftings that often go unnoticed in every day life.  So often as a mom, my focus is on surviving each day rather than embracing my call as a mother.  Sure, the laundry and supper are important, but nurturing their God-given characteristics is even more valuable.  I want to respect my role in their lives, because ultimately they are God’s children and He has entrusted them to me.  My prayer is that I guide them with a spirit of love and not of control.  That I would be a blessing to them and strengthen their walks with Christ.  And that in their weaknesses, I would extend the same mercy and grace that’s been shown to me.  Yes, I will still get frustrated and lose my cool, but they will see a mom who’s aim is to point them to the cross.  That I would remain hidden behind it, so that they can see Christ.

  • Debra Sartain


    • Nichole Wilson

      Thank you!

  • Sarah Cates

    What an interesting perspective, to pray to be a blessing to one’s children. As prideful as it sounds I think I always assumed mine was already blessed automatically to be provided for and have reasonably nice parents. Totally changes my outlook, and I will be praying this too from now on.

    • Nichole Wilson

      This is something the Lord has been dealing with me on. If I can’t be a blessing in my own home, I can’t expect Him to use me outside of it. Thank you for reading and always being supportive. Love you dear friend.

  • Sandy Wilson

    Loved this one…we are all a busy in today’s world, that the most important things get shadowed by a trivial trial in comparison to discovering and encouraging our kids God given talents. Puts a whole new perspective on “training up a child in the way they should go”. Thank you, this blessed me :)

    • Nichole Wilson

      Thank you for reading Sandy! To God be the glory!

  • Andrea Kunce

    Beautifully written! I will be praying this as well!

    • Nichole Wilson

      Thank you!

  • Leslie Ford

    This is awesome! Such insight!!

    • Nichole Wilson
